Image - 5 Black Friday Email Examples

5 Black Friday Email Examples From Not-So-Famous Brands

So, it’s that time of year again—the time when business owners, especially in the ecommerce and retail industries, are gearing up for Black Friday, ready to take on the challenge of standing out in a sea of promotions. If you’re one of them, you’ve probably got a million things on your BFCM marketing to-do list, and planning the perfect Black Friday email campaign is likely near the top.

But hey, you’re in luck! Today, I was this close to finally tackling my overstuffed inbox. Seriously, it’s a jungle in there—over 30,000 promotional emails just waiting to be deleted. But as I was about to start the tedious task of hitting “delete” one email at a time, a light bulb went off. Instead of trashing these emails, I decided to sift through and pick out the ones that really stood out – and voilà, this article was born.

With Black Friday just around the corner, I’m here to help you craft email campaigns that won’t just land in your customers’ inboxes, but actually get them excited to open and engage with your offers. Let’s start!

Table of Contents

Why Black Friday Email Marketing Is a Must-Do

Black Friday is like the holiday season for shoppers and retailers alike, and if you’re in retail, your email marketing game needs to be on point. Here’s the deal: according to DotDigital, emails with “Black Friday” in the subject line get a whopping 64% higher click-through rate. That’s huge!

People can’t resist those three magical words. They see “Black Friday” and instantly think of unbeatable deals and limited-time offers. It creates a buzz and urgency that makes them want to click and see what’s in store. So, if you’re aiming to capture their attention and boost your sales, sprinkling a bit of Black Friday magic in your email campaigns is a must. Trust me, your customers are waiting for it!

5 Black Friday Email Campaign Samples

So, if you’re looking for the perfect Black Friday email campaign examples, here are five gems I’ve uncovered from the jungle of my inbox that are sure to inspire your own strategy.

While many articles highlight the big-name brands, I’m stepping up by showcasing email marketing campaigns from lesser-known players—because sometimes, it’s the underdogs who bring the most creative game. And here’s the proof!

#1 Happy Hippo's Playful Pink Friday Tease (Mutzii's Masterpiece)

Subject Line:

We’re not having Black Friday 😭

What is it:

This email from Happy Hippo is a playful campaign I crafted, transforming the typical Black Friday hype into “Pink Friday” with a splash of green! I managed the entire strategy, writing the content, assembling the campaign, and directing the animated banner. This unique theme teases new product reveals while maintaining an upbeat and fun tone.

Why it’s effective for Black Friday marketing
  • Playful and Unexpected Theme: Forget the same old Black Friday! We’re shaking things up by turning it into “Pink Friday” with a touch of green. It’s quirky, it’s different, and it instantly grabs your attention. You’re left thinking, “What’s this all about?” and you can’t help but read on.
  • Engaging Visuals and Animation: That animated colourful GIF? Pure gold. It adds a dynamic element that makes the email come to life, keeping you entertained without even leaving your email.
  • Building Anticipation: We’ve created a buzz by teasing what’s coming next. With the line “Come back tomorrow for the big reveal!” we’ve planted a seed of excitement. It’s a mini cliffhanger that makes you want to check back and see what the big surprise is.
  • Clear and Bold CTAs: Big, bold buttons like “DON’T BLINK” and “START SHOPPING” are impossible to miss. They guide you on exactly what to do next, making it super easy to take action. No guesswork, just straightforward fun.
  • Strong Brand Personality: From the playful language to the bright, vibrant colours, this email is dripping with Happy Hippo’s quirky and fun personality. It’s unmistakably on-brand, creating a memorable and cohesive experience that builds a deeper connection with our audience.

#2 Pai Skincare's Black Friday Charity Sale Announcement

Subject Line:

25% Off Starts NOW

What is it:

This email from Pai Skincare brilliantly combines a compelling discount offer with a charity cause. They’re offering 25% off on their premium, natural, and organic formulas, and for every product sold, they’re donating £1 to Black Minds Matter UK. This approach not only incentivises purchases but also appeals to customers’ desire to support a good cause.

Why Pai Skincare’s Black Friday email shines brighter than ever
  • Big, Bold, and Beautiful Discount: The moment you open the email, “25% OFF” hits you like a burst of sunshine. It’s bold, it’s big, and it’s impossible to miss. The tagline “The Only Sale That Matters” isn’t just clever – it’s like Pai Skincare is letting you in on a secret, making you feel part of an exclusive club.
  • Feel-Good Shopping with a Cause: Shopping with a purpose? Yes, please! For every product you snag, £1 goes to Black Minds Matter UK. It’s a shopping spree that makes your heart feel as good as your skin will. You’re not just buying skincare; you’re making a difference, and that feels incredible.
  • Effortless Action with a Clear CTA: “GOODNESS25” – easy to remember, easy to use. And that “SHOP NOW” button? It’s practically begging to be clicked. They’ve stripped away the fuss, making it a breeze to dive into shopping. Just a couple of clicks and you’re on your way to great skin and doing good.
  • Sleek and Snappy Product Layout: They’ve got everything neatly laid out for you – oils, bundles, moisturisers, and cleansers – each with their tempting discount. It’s like a well-organised buffet of skincare delights. No endless scrolling, just straight to the goodies with gorgeous, high-quality images guiding the way.
  • On-Brand Visual Feast: This email is so unmistakably Pai. From the chic design to the friendly, welcoming tone, it’s like a warm hug from your favourite brand. As soon as you see it, you know it’s Pai, and that consistency builds trust and a sense of familiarity.

#3 Crypto's Black Friday Exclusive Rewards and Promotions Email

Subject Line:

Are You Ready for Our Black Friday Sale?

What is it:

This is a promotional email from, designed specifically for Black Friday. It highlights exclusive Black Friday deals, rewards, and promotions available to their users. The email emphasises 4X Pay Rewards on Gift Cards for users who have staked at least 10,000 CRO and details various flash sales and exclusive offers from partnered merchants. The purpose is to encourage users to take advantage of these limited-time offers and maximise their rewards during the Black Friday weekend.

Why this email hits the bullseye for Black Friday marketing
  • Headlines That Pop: Right off the bat, the bold headline “4X Pay Rewards on Gift Cards” grabs your attention like a flashing neon sign. It’s direct, thrilling, and instantly makes you want to know more. No beating around the bush – it’s all about making a big, bold statement!
  • Animated Wow Factor: The animated banner at the top is the cherry on top. It’s like having a mini-movie right in your inbox. This playful, interactive element captures attention immediately and sets the tone for a fun, engaging experience.
  • Warm and Personal: Starting with “Dear Valued Customer” feels like getting a message from a friend. It’s cozy, it’s inviting, and it makes you feel seen. That personal touch is the secret sauce that makes you more likely to engage.
  • Crystal Clear and Urgent: The email doesn’t mess around with complicated jargon. It tells you exactly what’s up – awesome rewards, limited time. The specific dates and times add a ticking clock element, making you think, “I’ve got to act fast before this deal slips away!”
  • Eye-Candy Organisation: This email is a visual delight. Everything is neatly organised, making it a breeze to find what you’re interested in. The bold headings, the crisp images, the sleek layout – it’s all designed to keep your eyes glued and your fingers scrolling.
  • Treasure Trove of Deals: It’s not just one goodie, it’s a whole treasure chest! Featuring exclusive deals from a variety of merchants makes the email feel like a jackpot of savings. You’re not just getting a deal; you’re getting a smorgasbord of choices that make the whole experience richer and more exciting.

#4 CaliWoods Boycotting Black Friday

Subject Line:

Not Your Usual Black Friday Email

What is it:

CaliWoods takes a bold stand by boycotting the typical Black Friday frenzy. Instead of pushing massive discounts, they focus on raising awareness about plastic pollution and donate all profits from sales to Sea Shepherd NZ. It’s a refreshing twist that connects deeply with their eco-conscious audience and promotes a cause they truly care about.

Why this is a great email marketing strategy for Black Friday
  • Daring and Purpose-Driven Message: CaliWoods isn’t afraid to break the mould with their bold announcement: boycotting Black Friday. This isn’t just another sale – it’s a mission. Their message is powerful and immediately sets them apart, resonating deeply with eco-conscious shoppers.
  • Feel-Good Shopping Experience: Turning consumerism on its head, this email transforms shopping into an act of kindness. With every purchase supporting Sea Shepherd NZ, customers feel good about spending, knowing they’re contributing to a greater cause.
  • Engaging and Informative: The email offers “Black Friday survival tips” that are not only useful but also align with the brand’s values. Encouraging thoughtful purchases and sustainability, CaliWoods educates their audience while reinforcing their commitment to the planet.
  • Visual Storytelling with Sustainable Products: High-quality images showcase their eco-friendly products in everyday use, telling a story of sustainability and practicality. This isn’t just about buying – it’s about making a lifestyle choice that’s better for the planet.
  • Credibility through Social Proof: Featuring certifications and social good badges, the email builds trust and authenticity. It shows that CaliWoods is backed by reputable organizations, assuring customers that they’re supporting a genuinely responsible brand.

#5 Iconic London's Black Friday Teaser with Free Gift Offer

Subject Line:

YOU’RE INVITED, <subscriber’s email> 💌

What is it:

This email from Iconic London uses a combination of exclusivity, urgency, and visually appealing elements to create excitement around their Black Friday deals. They’ve skillfully applied these tactics to ensure subscribers are eager to act and stay engaged.

Why this email is perfect for Black Friday marketing
  • A Personalised Golden Ticket: The subject line “YOU’RE INVITED, <subscriber’s email> 💌” feels like a special VIP invitation. It’s personal, exclusive, and irresistible – like getting a golden ticket to a can’t-miss event.
  • Freebie Frenzy: Starting with “IT’S GIVING… FREE!” hooks you instantly. A free Brow Silk & Brush with every order is an irresistible offer, especially with the added urgency of “today only!” It’s a deal that feels too good to pass up.
  • Action-Oriented CTAs: The buttons “SNAP IT UP” and “SHOP NOW” are bold, clear, and impossible to ignore. They direct you exactly where you need to go, making the shopping process seamless and intuitive.
  • Visual Extravaganza: The email is a feast for the eyes with its high-quality images and captivating animations. The playful layout and joyful visuals create an engaging, festive vibe that draws you in and keeps you scrolling.
  • Tease of What’s to Come: By hinting at their “NEXT-LEVEL Black Friday DEALS” landing soon, they build a sense of anticipation and excitement. It’s like a movie trailer for the best shopping event of the year, making you eager to see what’s next.

Feeling overwhelmed by the thought of standing out in the Black Friday frenzy?

Don’t worry—I've got your back. Whether you need fresh ideas or a complete email campaign overhaul, I'm here to help.

How to Nail your Black Friday Email Marketing in 2024

So, how do you make sure your emails don’t get lost in the noise? Here’s how to do it with killer strategies inspired by some of the best email campaigns I’ve shared above.

1. Make your subject line sizzle

Your subject line is your one shot to make a great first impression, so make it count. Think of it as the first thing your customers will see—it should be catchy, intriguing, and impossible to ignore. Go bold, be playful, or spark curiosity. After all, the goal is to get them to click, right? “Ready for the Biggest Black Friday Surprise?” is a great way to start.

2. Greet them like a friend

Forget the stiff, formal greetings. Black Friday is a time to connect with your customers on a personal level. So, ditch the “Dear Customer” and go for something like “Hey [Name]!” It’s warm, it’s friendly, and it makes your email feel like a personal invitation rather than just another sales pitch.

3. Command action with clear CTAs

Don’t leave your readers guessing—tell them exactly what to do next. Your Call to Action (CTA) should be bold, direct, and impossible to miss. Use clear and actionable language like “Shop Now” or “Get Your Deal.” And don’t forget to make it stand out with a big, bright button that screams “Click me!”

4. Put your best offer up front

Don’t make your audience dig for your best deal—put it right where they can see it. Whether it’s a huge discount, a limited-time offer, or a must-have product, showcase it front and centre. This not only grabs attention but sets the tone for the entire email, making sure your readers know exactly what’s in it for them.

5. Wow them with visuals

A picture is worth a thousand words, especially in email marketing. Use high-quality images, engaging GIFs, or sleek videos to make your email visually stunning. Your visuals should align with your brand and the theme of your campaign, creating an email that’s not only easy on the eyes but also keeps your subscribers scrolling for more.

6. Create a sense of urgency

Tick-tock, tick-tock… nothing sparks action like a ticking clock. Create urgency with phrases like “Limited Time Only” or “Only a Few Left!” This taps into the fear of missing out (FOMO), pushing your customers to act now rather than later. Urgency can turn a casual browser into an instant buyer.

7. Keep your layout clean and clear

A well-organised email is like a well-designed store—it’s easy to navigate, and everything is right where it should be. Use plenty of white space, clear headings, and a logical flow from top to bottom. This makes your email inviting and easy to read, helping your customers quickly find what they’re looking for.

8. Pair discounts with purpose

Why not make your Black Friday deals even more meaningful? Consider donating a portion of your sales to a charity or cause that aligns with your brand. This not only boosts sales but also builds a deeper connection with your customers, who will appreciate that their purchase is making a difference.

9. Leverage powerful partnerships

Two brands are better than one! Partner up with another brand to offer something extra special. Whether it’s a bundled deal or a joint giveaway, partnerships can add value and excitement to your campaign. Plus, it’s a great way to introduce your brand to a new audience.

10. Dare to be different

Why follow the crowd when you can stand out? Don’t be afraid to break the mould with a creative twist on Black Friday. Maybe it’s a “Pink Friday” instead, or perhaps you boycott the whole thing for a cause. Whatever you choose, make sure it reflects your brand’s unique personality and values.

11. Educate while you sell

Empower your customers by including tips, guides, or educational content that complements your products. Whether it’s a style guide, a how-to tutorial, or product care tips, providing useful information helps build trust and positions your brand as an expert. It’s not just about selling—it’s about adding value.

12. Build suspense

Everyone loves a good mystery. Tease your audience with hints and sneak peeks of what’s to come. A simple “Something big is coming…” can create buzz and keep your subscribers eagerly awaiting your next email. It’s all about building anticipation and excitement.

13. Let your brand personality shine

Be unapologetically you. Whether your brand is quirky, sophisticated, or somewhere in between, let your personality shine through in every word and image. A strong brand personality makes your emails more relatable and memorable, helping you build a deeper connection with your audience.

14. Entice with exclusive freebies

Who doesn’t love free stuff? Offer exclusive freebies with every purchase to add that extra “wow” factor to your Black Friday deals. It’s a great way to reward your loyal customers or entice new ones to give your brand a try.

15. Tease what’s coming next

Don’t let the excitement end with Black Friday. Keep the momentum going by teasing future promotions or events. Let your customers know there’s more in store, so they stay engaged and excited for what’s next.

16. Showcase products with style

Your products are the stars of the show, so present them in a way that’s thoughtful and visually appealing. Group them by category, use, or theme to make it easy for customers to find what they’re looking for. High-quality images and clear descriptions will make your products irresistible.

17. Build trust with social proof

Let your customers do the talking. Showcase reviews, testimonials, and user-generated content to build credibility and trust. When potential buyers see that others love your products, they’re more likely to hit that “Buy Now” button.

18. Learn the right email frequency

Getting the email frequency right is crucial for your Black Friday marketing. Too many, and you risk annoying your subscribers; too few, and you might miss out on sales. Find the sweet spot to keep your brand top of mind without overwhelming your audience—so your emails are welcomed, not ignored.

Ready to craft your Black Friday emails?

Now that you’re full of ideas, it’s time to put those strategies into action! Start planning your BFCM marketing early to make sure you’ve got everything covered, from your sales emails to your landing pages.

If you’ve done Black Friday email marketing before, take a look at what worked and build on that. If you’re new to it, no worries—you’ve got plenty of inspiration from the examples I shared. Jump into your email marketing platform and start crafting those attention-grabbing emails!

And hey, if you need a hand, I’m here to help. Let’s create email campaigns that not only pop in crowded inboxes but also bring in those Black Friday sales. Let’s make this your best season yet!

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