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How Feedback and Teamwork Can Transform Results

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the creative business world, it’s that great work rarely happens on the first try. You might spend hours, even days, creating what you think is the perfect design, campaign, or strategy—only to be hit with feedback that turns everything upside down.

But here’s the thing: revisions are where the magic happens.


When I first started out, I wasn’t the biggest fan of feedback. I’d get so invested in a project that when a client asked for changes, I’d feel like I’d missed the mark. That feeling can be tough, especially when you’ve poured your energy into something you believed was great.

Over time, though, I realised something important: feedback isn’t failure, it’s progress. Revisions aren’t just about fixing mistakes—they’re about collaboration, improving ideas, and turning good work into something truly outstanding.

The Power of Revisions

Let me give you a real example of how revisions completely transformed a project.

We were working on a Black Friday campaign for a client using Klaviyo, and the stakes were high. In the first round, I let the designer have her full creative freedom—after all, she’s the pro when it comes to design.

But when I saw the outcome, I’ll be honest—it made me want to cry. It wasn’t at all the vision I had for the client. The design was creative, but it just didn’t align with the marketing goals we were aiming for.

Sometimes, designers aren’t so particular about marketing strategy; they’re focused on making things look beautiful, but that’s where a proper design brief becomes essential. I quickly realised that the project needed more direction, so I sat down and listed all the revisions I wanted to achieve the perfect design.

After that, everything clicked. The designer refined the work, aligning it with the brand’s tone—she nailed the right font style, colour scheme, and overall feel. The final design wasn’t overwhelming but had the perfect balance to draw attention without being too harsh on the eye.

The effect of those revisions? The client was so impressed that what started as a one-time Black Friday project turned into a monthly retainer. We helped them generate nearly half a million dollars in revenue just from their BFCM email marketing campaign.

Revisions didn’t just change the design—they transformed our relationship with the client and delivered results that far exceeded their expectations.

Here’s a side-by-side comparison of one of the designs from the first round versus the final result. You can see the difference that revisions, teamwork, and a clear vision made:

best digital marketing agency for black friday and holidays

Why Revisions Matter More Than Ever

Especially with high-stakes projects like Black Friday campaigns, every ad, email, and social post needs to be absolutely on point. There’s no room for “good enough,” because campaigns during this time can make or break a business’s revenue for the entire year. This is where BFCM marketing strategies come into play—whether it’s honing in on the perfect subject lines or ensuring the design flow leads to conversions, every element counts.

If you need inspiration for creating high-impact campaigns, Black Friday email marketing examples can be a great starting point. These examples highlight how top brands capture attention, drive action, and increase revenue, which is exactly what we aim to achieve for our clients.

That’s why I’m a firm believer that revisions = progress. Every tweak you make, every adjustment based on feedback, takes your project from good to great. And when you’re dealing with high-impact periods like Black Friday or Cyber Monday, the right revisions can make all the difference in hitting your revenue targets.

How to Embrace Feedback

Now, when a client asks for changes, I don’t panic. I don’t get defensive. In fact, I welcome it. Because I know that every revision brings us closer to the goal.

Feedback and revisions are a vital part of our process because they allow us to dig deeper, ask better questions, and ultimately create a product that truly shines. Whether it’s tweaking an email sequence or overhauling a design, each revision is an opportunity to get closer to that wow moment.

Here’s a direct piece of feedback we received from this particular client, showing how our attention to detail and strategic approach made an impact:

I just wanted to reach out and convey how impressed I am with you and your team thus far. I’ve worked with plenty of email marketing companies over the past 14 years and you guys are hands down one of the most thoughtful, respectful and involved I have ever come across. I am very pleased with your attention to detail and strategy.

How We Approach Revisions to Hit Your Goals

Here’s why we’ve embraced the power of revisions and how they help us deliver the best results for our clients:

  • No Egos Allowed: We’re not here to defend a design for the sake of it. Our job is to make your brand stand out and achieve your goals.
  • Revisions = Success: Every time you ask for a tweak, it shows you care about your campaign’s success—and so do we. We see revisions as steps towards a perfect end result.
  • We Dig Deep: We ask the right questions upfront so that we can quickly align with your vision and minimise headaches later.
  • We Thrive on Pressure: Whether it’s a last-minute tweak or a tight deadline, we’re built for the hustle that comes with high-pressure periods like Black Friday.

Let’s Turn Revisions Into Results

At the end of the day, it’s not just about creating a pretty design or a flashy campaign. It’s about creating something that works—something that drives results and helps you hit your revenue goals. And that’s why we’re not afraid of revisions. In fact, we embrace them.

If you’re looking for a team that knows how to take feedback and turn it into pure gold—especially during critical periods like Black Friday and Cyber Monday—check out our portfolio here to see how we’ve helped other brands elevate their campaigns. Together, we’ll create something truly special and make sure this holiday season is one for the books.

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