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Freelance Life
Beyond the ‘Yes’ Trap: The Power of Brutal Honesty As A Solopreneur

Throughout my years of being an independent, self-employed digital marketer, I’ve learned that embracing brutal honesty isn’t just a powerful tool; it’s the very essence of what has driven me to where I am today.

Freelance Life
3 Benefits Of Being An Independent Digital Marketing Expert

Throughout my freelancing journey as an independent digital marketing expert, some truly exciting and unexpected things happened that made this career path even more rewarding than I could have imagined.

E-commerce Marketing
10 Black Friday Marketing Strategies To Try In 2023

Crafting a well-thought-out Black Friday marketing strategy is essential for distinguishing yourself amidst the sea of advertisements.
Consider this: with every store, both physical and online, promoting deals, customers actively seek enticing offers. The question is, how can you capture their attention?

Freelance Life
How did I become a freelance digital marketer?

Have you ever wondered how someone transitions from a stable full-time job to a freelancing career such as becoming a freelance digital marketer? Well, my…

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