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Shopify vs WordPress SEO: Which One is Better for Ecommerce?

When it comes to building an ecommerce store, picking the right platform can feel like a make-or-break decision. You’ve likely come across two of the most popular choices: Shopify and WordPress (with WooCommerce). Both are widely used and loved, but when it comes to SEO—the magic that helps your store rank higher on Google—how do these two compare? In this article, we’ll break down everything you need to know about Shopify vs WordPress SEO to help you figure out which platform is the better choice for your online store.

Whether you’re a small business owner just starting out or an experienced developer looking to fine-tune your SEO strategy, this guide will help you navigate the differences between Shopify SEO and WordPress SEO. After all, driving more traffic to your store can mean the difference between thriving or just surviving in the competitive world of ecommerce.

Table of Contents

What Is SEO, and Why Does It Matter for Ecommerce?

Before we get into the details of Shopify vs WordPress SEO, let’s take a moment to chat about what SEO actually is and why it’s so crucial for your ecommerce site.

SEO, or search engine optimisation, is all about improving your website’s visibility in search engine results. In other words, it’s what helps your potential customers find you when they’re searching for products or services like yours on Google. The higher you rank, the more likely people will click on your site, which means more traffic and, hopefully, more sales.

If you’re running an ecommerce store, having good SEO is absolutely essential. Think of it as the digital equivalent of a prime spot on the high street. If people can’t find your store, you’re missing out on business. That’s why choosing the right platform for your online store is a big deal—because not all platforms handle SEO equally.

How Do Shopify and WordPress Handle SEO Differently?

Now that we’ve covered why SEO is so important, let’s get into how Shopify and WordPress approach it differently. Both are powerful tools, but they offer distinct features when it comes to SEO optimisation.

Shopify is an all-in-one ecommerce platform specifically built to help businesses sell online. It comes with several built-in SEO features that make it pretty straightforward to optimise your site without needing a deep technical background. If you’re more interested in getting your store up and running without fussing over the details, Shopify SEO might be perfect for you.

On the other hand, WordPress is a bit more like a blank canvas. It’s open-source and highly customisable, especially when paired with WooCommerce to turn your WordPress site into an ecommerce store. For SEO, this means that you’ve got tons of flexibility—but with great power comes great responsibility. You’ll need to get stuck into plugins, settings, and possibly a bit of coding if you want to fully optimise your site.

What Shopify Offers for SEO: Built-in Features Explained

Shopify vs WordPress: Ecommerce SEO

Shopify is known for making things simple, and when it comes to SEO, they’ve built in quite a few handy features that help your site rank better without needing a lot of technical know-how. Here’s a quick breakdown of what Shopify SEO brings to the table:

1. Built-In SEO Features to Get You Started

  • Automatic sitemaps: Shopify automatically generates a sitemap for your store, making it easier for search engines like Google to crawl your pages and rank them.
  • Clean URLs: Shopify ensures your URLs are structured in a way that’s easy to read and search engine-friendly, without any manual tweaking needed.
  • Meta tags and alt text: Shopify allows you to easily update meta titles, descriptions, and image alt text, helping search engines understand what your pages and products are about.

2. SEO Apps to Boost Your Site’s Performance

  • Shopify SEO apps: The Shopify app store is packed with apps that help take your SEO to the next level. Whether you need help with keyword tracking, broken links, or speed optimisation, there’s an app for it.
  • Built-in analytics tools: Many apps also offer insights into how your SEO efforts are performing, helping you track improvements and fine-tune your strategy over time.

3. Mobile-Friendly and Responsive Design

  • Responsive themes: All Shopify themes are mobile-friendly, which means your store is optimised for mobile devices straight out of the box. This is key for SEO, as search engines prioritise mobile usability.
  • No need for extra coding: Unlike some platforms, Shopify’s themes are automatically optimised for mobile, saving you time and effort while still helping you rank well on search engines.

4. Fast Page Loading Speeds

  • Hosted platform: One of Shopify’s strengths is its speed. Since Shopify is a fully hosted platform, you don’t have to worry about server performance. Fast-loading sites not only improve user experience but also rank better on search engines.
  • Built-in optimisation: Shopify automatically optimises your store’s code and images, helping to improve load times—a crucial ranking factor for Google.

5. Secure and Reliable Hosting

  • SSL certificates included: Every Shopify store comes with an SSL certificate, ensuring that your site is secure. Search engines favour secure sites, so this is a built-in SEO boost.
  • Reliable uptime: Because Shopify is a hosted solution, you don’t have to worry about downtime or technical issues affecting your site’s SEO performance.

6. Structured Data and Rich Snippets

  • Built-in schema: Shopify includes structured data (schema) as part of its core setup, helping search engines display rich snippets for your products. This can lead to enhanced search results like product prices, availability, and reviews, making your store stand out.
  • No coding needed: Shopify takes care of this automatically, meaning you don’t need to be an SEO expert to get the benefits of rich snippets.

7. Simple Redirects and URL Management

  • Automatic redirects: Shopify automatically handles 301 redirects when you change a product page’s URL, ensuring that your SEO rankings aren’t affected by broken links.
  • Easy URL customisation: Although Shopify generates URLs for you, you can easily customise them to include relevant keywords for better SEO.

8. Focus on Product SEO

  • Product descriptions: Shopify encourages you to create SEO-friendly product descriptions by offering built-in fields for meta tags and keyword-rich text.
    SEO for collections and categories: You can also optimise your collections and categories, making it easier for search engines to understand your store’s structure and rank it appropriately.

9. Integration with Google Analytics and Search Console

  • Easy Google integration: Shopify makes it simple to connect your store with Google Analytics and Google Search Console. These tools provide insights into how your site is performing in search and what keywords are driving traffic.
  • Data-driven decisions: With these insights, you can make more informed SEO decisions, fine-tuning your product pages, blog posts, and overall content strategy based on real data.

WordPress SEO: Why It Stands Out

Shopify vs WordPress: Ecommerce SEO

One of WordPress biggest advantages? How well it handles SEO. Whether you’re new to SEO or already know your way around optimisation, WordPress offers a lot to make your site more visible. Here’s why WordPress SEO stands out from the crowd:

1. Full Control Over SEO Optimisation

  • Custom URLs: With WordPress, you can fully customise your URLs, making them short, clean, and keyword-rich—perfect for SEO.
  • Meta tags and descriptions: Every product page, category, and post allows you to edit meta titles and descriptions. This control means you can create unique, keyword-optimised content that boosts your SEO.
  • Alt text for images: Easily add alt text to all product images, which helps search engines understand what each image represents—crucial for ranking in image searches.

2. WooCommerce Integration for Ecommerce

  • Optimised product pages: With WooCommerce, each product page can be fully optimised for SEO. You can customise product titles, descriptions, meta tags, and even URLs, ensuring every detail is search engine-friendly.
  • Category and tag optimisation: WordPress lets you optimise product categories and tags for SEO, helping you organise your store in a way that improves visibility on search engines.

3. Wide Range of SEO Plugins

  • Yoast SEO: The Yoast SEO plugin is a game-changer for ecommerce SEO. It guides you through optimising every product page, blog post, and category with suggestions on meta descriptions, focus keywords, and readability.
  • Rank Math: Another powerful plugin, Rank Math, offers advanced SEO tools tailored to ecommerce, helping you monitor SEO performance, set up rich snippets, and optimise your site’s structure.
  • SEO tools for technical optimisation: Plugins like All in One SEO help you manage sitemaps, optimise for local SEO, and handle redirects, making sure your site’s technical SEO is spot-on.

4. Complete Customisation for Advanced Users

  • Schema and structured data: WordPress makes it easy to add schema markup, which enhances your search results with rich snippets like star ratings, product prices, and availability.
  • HTML and CSS control: For those who are more tech-savvy, WordPress allows direct access to your site’s code. You can make precise customisations for SEO, which isn’t always possible on more rigid platforms.
  • Site speed control: Slow websites hurt your rankings. WordPress gives you the flexibility to optimise your site’s speed with plugins like WP Rocket and Autoptimize, both crucial for SEO.

5. SEO-Friendly Themes

  • SEO optimised themes: WordPress offers countless SEO-friendly themes that are designed for fast load times, responsive design, and easy navigation—all important factors in improving your SEO rankings.
  • Mobile responsiveness: Many WordPress themes are mobile-optimised, ensuring your ecommerce store looks great and functions smoothly on smartphones and tablets, which search engines favour.

6. Google Analytics and Search Console Integration

  • Easy integration: WordPress seamlessly integrates with Google Analytics and Google Search Console, allowing you to track your SEO performance and understand where your traffic is coming from.
  • Actionable insights: With these tools, you can analyse which keywords are driving traffic and which pages are ranking, helping you adjust your SEO strategy to better meet your goals.

7. Site Speed Optimisation for SEO

  • Speed-boosting plugins: Search engines like Google prioritise fast websites, and WordPress lets you improve your site’s speed with caching plugins like WP Rocket, W3 Total Cache, and image compression tools like Smush. Faster sites offer better user experiences, which translates to better rankings.
  • CDN integration: WordPress makes it easy to integrate a CDN (Content Delivery Network), ensuring that your site loads quickly from servers around the world, further improving your site speed and SEO.

8. Built-In Flexibility for International SEO

  • Multi-language support: WordPress plugins like WPML and Polylang allow you to create multilingual stores, perfect for international SEO. You can optimise pages in multiple languages and target customers from different countries.
  • Local SEO: WordPress plugins like Yoast Local SEO help you rank better in local search results, ensuring that nearby customers can easily find your ecommerce store.

9. Reliable Security Features

  • SSL certificate support: Google prioritises secure sites, and WordPress allows you to easily add an SSL certificate to your site, giving it that "HTTPS" boost in search rankings.
  • Security plugins: Plugins like Wordfence and Sucuri help keep your WordPress site secure, which is critical for maintaining a good SEO reputation. A secure site keeps customers and search engines happy.

Which Platform Is Better for SEO Optimisation?

This is the million-pound question: Shopify or WordPress, which is better for SEO?

The answer largely depends on your needs and how comfortable you are with handling SEO. If you’re looking for an ecommerce platform that’s easy to set up and takes care of most of the SEO basics for you, then Shopify is probably the best option. It’s designed to make SEO as simple as possible, which is great if you’re not too confident with the technical side of things.

However, if you want full control over your site’s SEO, from the meta tags to the structure of your URLs, WordPress is your better bet. With the right plugins for WordPress—like Yoast SEO—you can get down into the details and tweak your site to your heart’s content.

For a clearer overview, here’s a quick reference table comparing the SEO features of both platforms:


Shopify SEO

WordPress SEO

Ease of Use

Simple, built-in SEO tools for beginners

Requires setup with plugins, but highly customisable

Custom URLs

Automatically generated, limited editing

Full control to customise SEO-friendly URLs

Meta Tags

Easy to edit meta tags for pages/products

Full control over meta titles and descriptions

SEO Plugins

Limited SEO apps from the Shopify App Store

Wide range of powerful plugins (e.g. Yoast, Rank Math)

Image Optimisation

Alt text for images, basic optimisation

Complete control, many plugins for image SEO

Site Speed

Fast, hosted platform with automatic optimisations

Depends on hosting; plugins like WP Rocket can improve speed

Mobile Optimisation

Built-in mobile-friendly themes

Many responsive, mobile-optimised themes available

Structured Data

Basic schema integration for rich snippets

Full schema and structured data control via plugins


Automatic 301 redirects for broken links

Full redirect management with plugins


Basic blogging feature for content marketing

Robust, built-in blogging platform with advanced SEO capabilities

Security (SSL)

SSL included with all stores

SSL requires setup, but supported with plugins

Google Integration

Easy integration with Google Analytics/Search Console

Full integration with Google tools, deeper customisation possible


Limited to Shopify’s ecosystem

Highly flexible, customisable for all aspects of SEO


Monthly subscription with SEO tools included

Free platform, but paid plugins/hosting may be required

Shopify vs WordPress SEO: Pros and Cons

To help you weigh things up, here’s a quick comparison of the pros and cons of Shopify and WordPress SEO:

Shopify SEO Pros

  • Built-in SEO features that make optimisation easy.
  • Automatically generates sitemaps and handles redirects.
  • Access to SEO apps in the Shopify app store.
  • Less maintenance required on your part.

Shopify SEO Cons

  • Less customisable than WordPress.
  • Limited control over certain technical SEO features.

WordPress SEO Pros

  • Complete control over every aspect of your SEO.
  • A vast range of SEO plugins like Yoast SEO to enhance optimisation.
  • Highly customisable, allowing you to fine-tune your strategy.

WordPress SEO Cons

  • Steeper learning curve.
  • Requires more maintenance and updates, which could take up your time.

Need help boosting your ecommerce SEO?

Whether you're using WordPress with WooCommerce or Shopify, we've got the expertise to get your store ranking higher.

How to Optimise Your Shopify Store for SEO

If you choose to use Shopify, you can still do plenty to boost your Shopify SEO. Start by making sure your product descriptions are rich in keywords (without overstuffing) and ensure that each page has a unique, compelling meta title and description. You should also optimise your images by adding descriptive alt text, which helps search engines understand what the images are about.

Don’t forget to use the various Shopify SEO apps available through the app store. These tools can help with everything from keyword tracking to optimising your store’s loading speed, both of which can improve your site’s performance in search results.

Optimising WordPress for SEO: Tips and Tools

For those of you opting to use WordPress, the key to good SEO is in choosing the right tools. The Yoast SEO plugin is a great place to start. It helps you optimise individual pages and posts, guiding you through the process of improving your site’s content and structure for SEO purposes.

Another important factor is site speed. Search engines love fast-loading sites, so consider installing a caching plugin like WP Rocket to help with this. Also, ensure you pick WordPress themes that are responsive and optimised for SEO—this can give you an edge when competing for those all-important rankings.

WordPress or Shopify: Which One Should You Choose?

So, which one should you go for—WordPress or Shopify? If you’re looking for ease of use, fast setup, and a platform that handles the majority of your SEO automatically, Shopify is the best choice. It’s perfect for smaller stores or business owners who want to focus on selling, rather than getting bogged down in technical details.

However, if you need complete control over your site’s SEO and want to take advantage of a wide range of customisation options and SEO plugins, WordPress gives you that flexibility. For larger stores or those looking to execute a more in-depth SEO strategy, WordPress is the better option.

Shopify vs WordPress SEO: FAQs

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to this because it really depends on your needs and comfort level with SEO. Shopify is fantastic for beginners or people who want a hassle-free experience. It handles a lot of the technical SEO tasks like generating sitemaps, creating clean URLs, and securing your site with an SSL certificate. If you’re just starting out and don’t want to get bogged down in the details, Shopify SEO might be your best bet.

On the other hand, WordPress gives you complete control over every aspect of your site’s SEO. With a wide range of plugins like Yoast SEO, you can fully customise everything from your meta descriptions to your image alt tags. If you want to really fine-tune your SEO strategy and don’t mind handling a bit more of the technical side, WordPress SEO offers more flexibility and power.

Yes, Shopify is definitely easier to use when it comes to SEO. The platform is designed with simplicity in mind, so most of the essential SEO tasks—like sitemaps, redirects, and mobile responsiveness—are taken care of automatically. It’s perfect for someone who doesn’t want to spend a lot of time managing their SEO and just wants things to work out of the box.

With WordPress, the learning curve is a bit steeper. You’ll need to install and configure plugins like Yoast SEO or Rank Math, and you’ll also have to manage some of the technical aspects yourself, like ensuring fast site speed and secure hosting. However, if you’re willing to put in the time, WordPress gives you more control and customisation options for SEO.

WordPress offers far more control over technical SEO than Shopify. With WordPress, you can customise your URLs, manage redirects, optimise page speed with caching plugins, and even directly modify the HTML or CSS if needed. Plugins like Yoast SEO or All in One SEO also allow you to dive deep into advanced settings like schema markup, breadcrumbs, and more.

While Shopify does offer some basic technical SEO features—like automatic redirects and clean URLs—it’s not as flexible. If you’re someone who wants to tweak every little detail for maximum SEO performance, WordPress is definitely the better option.

In terms of speed, Shopify tends to have the edge because it’s a fully hosted platform. Shopify automatically handles things like server speed, caching, and content delivery, which means you don’t have to worry about the technical side of things. A fast-loading site is crucial for SEO, and Shopify generally offers excellent performance right out of the box.

WordPress, on the other hand, depends on your hosting provider and the plugins you use. If you’re on a good host and use plugins like WP Rocket for caching, you can achieve great speeds with WordPress. However, you’ll have to manage these aspects yourself. So, if you want simplicity and speed without much effort, Shopify might be better. But with the right setup, WordPress can perform just as well.

This depends on how you look at it. Shopify has a fixed monthly subscription fee, which includes hosting and basic SEO features. While you might need to invest in some apps to extend your SEO capabilities, it’s relatively straightforward in terms of cost. You pay one monthly fee, and Shopify handles most of the technical side for you.

WordPress, on the other hand, can be more cost-effective in the long run, but it requires a bit more investment upfront. WordPress itself is free, but you’ll need to pay for hosting, a domain name, and potentially premium plugins for advanced SEO features. However, once your site is set up, the ongoing costs can be lower than Shopify’s monthly fees, especially if you handle most of the SEO tasks yourself.

In summary, Shopify is simpler and more predictable in terms of cost, while WordPress can be more affordable but comes with added responsibility.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to SEO for ecommerce, both Shopify and WordPress are powerful platforms, but they cater to different types of users. The best choice comes down to your specific needs and experience level.

If you’re still unsure or need help optimising your ecommerce store for either Shopify or WordPress, feel free to reach out. I’m here to guide you through the process and help you achieve the best possible search engine rankings for your online business. Whether you need a simple setup or advanced customisation, I’ve got you covered!

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