Top Email Marketing Platforms for Small Businesses- Image

Top 5 Email Marketing Platforms for Small Businesses: Tried + Tested!

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably spent more time than you’d like to admit comparing email marketing platforms, trying to figure out which one is actually going to work for your business. I’ve been in your shoes, scrolling through features and pricing plans, wondering which email marketing services will give me the best bang for my buck. It can feel like a lot to navigate, especially when you’re juggling a million other tasks to keep your business running.

I get it—when you’re a small business owner, every decision feels important, and choosing the right email marketing tool is no exception. After all, this is how you’ll connect with your customers, build relationships, and drive sales. The good news is, I’ve done the legwork for you!

In this guide, I’ll share my personal experiences with some of the top email marketing platforms I’ve tried out—giving you the inside scoop on what really works. I know how tricky it can be to figure out which one is the best fit, so I’ll break down everything you need to know. Let’s dive in together and find the perfect platform that’ll help your business grow!

Table of Contents

Why Email Marketing is a Game-Changer for Small Businesses

First things first—let’s talk about why email marketing is such a big deal. Well, almost everyone has an email address, and email is one of the most direct, personal ways to connect with your customers. It’s like having a conversation with them in their inbox, and that’s powerful.

For small business owners, email marketing is a cost-effective way to build relationships, engage with customers, and drive sales. It’s also one of the few marketing channels you truly own, meaning you’re not at the mercy of social media algorithms. But with so many different email marketing platforms out there, how do you find the one that’s right for your business? Let’s find out!

What Should You Look for in an Email Marketing Platform?

When choosing the right email marketing platform for your small business, it’s important to focus on what truly matters to you. Think about features like ease of use, automation, integration with your website, and, of course, your budget. Here are a few key things to consider to make sure you pick a platform that helps your business grow and connect with your audience.

The Must-Have Features

These are the features that will really drive your email marketing efforts and help you connect with your audience.

  • Automation (to send triggered emails): Think of this as your personal assistant for emails. Automation allows you to set up emails that go out automatically—whether it’s a welcome email to new subscribers, reminders for abandoned carts, or birthday wishes. It’s like setting it and forgetting it, but your customers feel like you’re giving them personalised attention.
  • Segmentation (to target specific audience groups): Not all your subscribers are the same, and segmentation helps you speak to them in ways that resonate. You can group your audience based on their behaviour, preferences, or past purchases, making your messages more relevant and engaging. It’s like talking directly to each person rather than shouting to a crowd.
  • Integrations (to connect with your website, CRM, or ecommerce platform): This is all about making sure everything plays nicely together. Whether it’s your website, CRM, or ecommerce platform, you want your email marketing tool to sync smoothly with the other tools you’re using. It’s like having all your tech gadgets on the same wavelength, working in harmony.
  • Analytics (for tracking performance): You can’t improve what you don’t measure, right? Analytics help you keep track of how your emails are performing—who’s opening them, what links they’re clicking on, and what’s leading to sales. With this data, you can make smarter decisions and fine-tune your campaigns for better results.
  • Design Tools (for creating visually appealing emails): First impressions count, and design tools help you create emails that are as beautiful as they are functional. Whether you’re working with templates or designing from scratch, having intuitive tools to create visually appealing emails can make all the difference in how your brand is perceived.

Business Considerations

These factors help you figure out if the platform is a good match for your business needs now and as you grow.

  • Ease of Use: You shouldn’t need a Ph.D. to send an email. Let’s face it—no one has time to wrestle with complicated software just to get a message out. An easy-to-use platform is a lifesaver, sparing you the frustration and freeing up your time to focus on what really counts: building relationships with your audience. Go for a platform with a user-friendly interface that makes creating and sending emails a breeze, even if you’re not a tech expert.
  • Pricing: Budget matters, especially when you’re running a small business. You want to find a platform that offers the features you need without breaking the bank. It’s worth considering what you’re getting for the price—sometimes paying a bit more is worth it if it means better tools and support.
  • Scalability: As your business grows, your email marketing needs will too. You want a platform that can grow with you, offering more advanced features or higher subscriber limits as you need them. Think of it as buying a pair of shoes that have just enough room for your feet to grow.
  • Support & Resources: No matter how easy a platform is to use, there will be times when you need a little help. Good customer support can make a world of difference. Whether it’s live chat, a knowledge base, or a community forum, knowing you have support when you need it can give you peace of mind.

Quick Glance at the Top Email Marketing Platforms

Now that we’ve covered everything you need to know to choose the right email marketing platform, let’s jump into our top picks for small businesses and see what makes each one stand out. If you’re pressed for time, here’s a quick snapshot of our top recommended platforms to get you started.

Email Marketing Platform


Best For

1. Klaviyo

Free up to 500 contacts, then starts at $20/month for up to 500 contacts

Ecommerce businesses needing robust automation and deep segmentation.

2. Brevo

Free up to 300 emails/day, paid plans start at $25/month for 20,000 emails

Small businesses looking for affordable, all-in-one marketing solutions.

3. MailChimp

Free up to 500 contacts, Essentials plan starts at $13/month for 500 contacts

Beginners and small businesses wanting an easy-to-use platform with various features.

4. GetResponse

Starts at $19/month for 1,000 contacts

Businesses seeking a comprehensive marketing tool with advanced automation.

5. ConvertKit

Free up to 1,000 subscribers, Creator plan starts at $15/month for 300 subscribers

Creators and bloggers focused on content and audience growth.

Short on time to explore these email marketing platforms?

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5 Must-Try Email Marketing Platforms Perfect for Growing Your Small Business in 2024

1. Klaviyo: Perfect for E-Commerce Pros

Ah, Klaviyo. If you’re running an eCommerce store—especially on Shopify or WooCommerce—this is the platform I always find myself recommending. Honestly, it’s like Klaviyo just “gets” eCommerce. I’ve worked with several clients using Klaviyo, and it’s never let us down. The way it integrates with eCommerce platforms is spot on, making it effortless to target and segment your audience based on what they actually buy.

But here’s the kicker—I’ve also had great success using Klaviyo with B2B clients, especially those with WordPress sites. Its versatility is something I really appreciate, and it’s got all the powerful features you need to take your email marketing to the next level, no matter what kind of small business you’re running.

Klaviyo - Top Email Marketing Platforms for Small Business
Top Features Your Small Business Will Benefit From:
  • Built-In Forms and Pop-Ups: Growing your email list is a breeze with Klaviyo’s built-in forms and pop-ups. You can customise them to match your brand and start collecting leads straight away.
  • Templates with Built-In Best Practices: Klaviyo’s templates have evolved significantly over the years. What used to require a bit of HTML wizardry can now be done with a simple drag-and-drop. The templates are designed to be mobile-friendly and are optimised for high deliverability.
  • Automated A/B Testing: This feature is a must for anyone serious about email marketing. You can test different subject lines, content, and calls to action to see what works best for your audience.
  • Personalised Product Recommendations: If you’re running an eCommerce store, this feature is gold. Klaviyo uses your customer data to recommend products that are likely to interest each recipient, which can significantly boost your conversion rates.
  • Built-In Compliance and Deliverability: Klaviyo takes care of all the technical stuff, like ensuring your emails comply with GDPR and other regulations. This means you can focus on creating great content without worrying about getting flagged as spam.
What Could Be Better:
  • Learning Curve: Klaviyo is robust, but that also means it can be a bit overwhelming at first. It’s not as intuitive as some other platforms.
  • Pricey: Once you outgrow the free plan, costs can escalate quickly, especially if you have a large list. For small businesses, this might become a significant expense over time.
Is Klaviyo Right for You?

If you’re serious about growing your small business and you’ve got a bit of experience under your belt, Klaviyo might just be your best friend. It’s designed with eCommerce in mind, making it easy to integrate with platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce.

What makes Klaviyo stand out is its ability to dive deep into customer data, which lets you create super personalised email campaigns. However, this platform is more like a high-end tool—great for when you’re ready to scale, but maybe a bit much if you’re just starting out or don’t have a lot of tech experience.

2. Brevo (formerly Sendinblue): All-in-One for Small Biz

Brevo might not always be the first platform that comes to mind, but it’s one of those hidden gems that surprises you with just how much it offers. It’s like finding a secret stash of tools you didn’t know you needed but now can’t live without.

What really sets Brevo apart is its all-in-one approach—it’s not just about email marketing. You get a free phone number, the ability to make worldwide calls, an embeddable chat option, and even customisable booking pages—all in one place. For small businesses juggling multiple tasks, Brevo offers a level of functionality that’s hard to find elsewhere, especially at such an affordable price.

Brevo - Top Email Marketing Platforms for Small Business

One feature I absolutely love is Brevo’s Automation’s Event logs. They let me see exactly who’s visiting my website, and honestly, I find it even better than Google Analytics. Why? Because instead of just seeing numbers and charts, I get detailed insights about each visitor all in one place. It’s like having a personal assistant who tells you everything you need to know about your audience—where they came from, what they’re interested in, and how they’re interacting with your site. This kind of visibility is invaluable for tailoring your marketing efforts and really connecting with your customers.

Brevo Logs Top Email Marketing Platforms for Small Business
Features on Free Version That Small Businesses Can Benefit From:
  • Transactional Email Sending: Brevo makes it easy to set up and send transactional emails like order confirmations, shipping updates, and password resets. These are essential for maintaining customer trust and ensuring a smooth user experience.
  • Marketing Automation (Limited to 2,000 Contacts): Brevo’s automation tools are fantastic for small businesses. You can set up workflows to send emails based on customer actions, ensuring your messaging is always relevant.
  • Page Tracking: This feature allows you to track how visitors interact with your website, so you can tailor your email campaigns to their specific interests.
  • Advanced Segmentation: Brevo’s segmentation tools are powerful, allowing you to create targeted email lists based on a variety of factors, including purchase history, website activity, and more.
  • Customisable Signup Forms: Growing your email list is crucial, and Brevo’s customisable signup forms make it easy to capture leads in a way that aligns with your brand.
What Could Be Better:
  • Reporting: While Brevo does offer analytics, I’ve found that its reporting features are not as in-depth as Klaviyo’s. If you’re a data junkie like me, this might be a bit of a letdown.
  • Integration Limitations: Although it’s decent for ecommerce, it doesn’t integrate as deeply with platforms like Shopify compared to Klaviyo.
Is Brevo Right for Your Small Business?

Brevo is like that reliable friend who’s always there when you need them. It’s cost-effective, which is a big plus if you’re watching your budget closely. But don’t let the price fool you—Brevo offers a solid set of features, including email marketing, SMS campaigns, and even a basic CRM.

It’s great for small businesses that need a little bit of everything without breaking the bank. The learning curve isn’t too steep either, so you can get up and running quickly. If you’re looking for something that’s versatile and easy on the wallet, Brevo might be your go-to.

3. Mailchimp: Ideal for Beginners

Let’s be real—who hasn’t come across Mailchimp? It’s practically the go-to name in email marketing, and there’s a good reason for that.

Whether you’re a small business owner, a marketer, or a web designer, Mailchimp is often the first platform that pops into your head. I can’t even count how many times I’ve bought a new WordPress theme, only to find Mailchimp as the default email marketing tool recommended by the developers.

And honestly, it makes sense. Mailchimp has earned its reputation as a user-friendly, reliable platform that’s perfect for those just starting out. There’s no complicated setup or steep learning curve—you can dive right in and start sending emails almost immediately.

MailChimp - Top Email Marketing Platforms for Small Business
Features on Free Version That Small Businesses Can Benefit From:
  • Basic Segmentation: Mailchimp’s segmentation tools are simple but effective. You can create different lists based on customer behaviour, purchase history, and more, allowing you to send targeted emails that resonate with your audience.
  • Basic Template: While the free version doesn’t include all of Mailchimp’s premium templates, you still get access to basic templates that are easy to customise and look great on any device.
  • Social Posting: Mailchimp isn’t just about email—it also lets you schedule and post content to your social media channels directly from the platform. This is a handy feature for managing your online presence all in one place.
  • Popup Forms: Growing your email list is crucial, and Mailchimp’s popup forms make it easy to capture leads on your website.
  • Surveys: Mailchimp allows you to create simple surveys to gather feedback from your audience. This is a great way to engage with your customers and get insights into their needs and preferences.
What Could Be Better:
  • Limitations: The free version is very restrictive. As soon as your list starts to grow, you’ll need to upgrade, and the costs can add up quickly.
  • Customer Support: If you’re on the free plan, don’t expect too much help from customer support. It’s pretty basic, which can be frustrating if you run into issues.
Is MailChimp Right for Your Small Business?

Mailchimp is a great choice for small businesses that are just getting started with email marketing. Its user-friendly interface and basic features make it easy to create and send emails without getting overwhelmed.

If you’re a small business owner or a marketer looking for a reliable platform that integrates seamlessly with WordPress and other CMS platforms, Mailchimp is definitely worth considering. While the free version has its limitations, it’s more than enough to get your email marketing efforts off the ground.

4. GetResponse: The Visual Marketer’s Tool

GetResponse is one of those platforms that often flies under the radar but has a lot going for it, especially if you’re on a tight budget. I’ve worked with a few smaller clients who were really watching their pennies, and GetResponse fit the bill perfectly.

What I appreciate most about it is how it strikes that balance between affordability and functionality. The visual email editor, in particular, is a lifesaver—it’s so intuitive that you can create eye-catching emails without breaking a sweat.

Whether you’re a pro designer or just dipping your toes into email marketing, GetResponse makes it easy to put together campaigns that truly stand out and grab your audience’s attention. It’s like having a design assistant in your back pocket, helping you every step of the way.

GetResponse - Top Email Marketing Platforms for Small Business
Features on Free Version That Small Businesses Can Benefit From:
  • Custom DKIM: DKIM helps improve your email deliverability by authenticating your emails. This means your emails are more likely to land in your subscribers’ inboxes, rather than being flagged as spam.
  • Click Tracking: GetResponse’s click tracking feature lets you see exactly how your subscribers are interacting with your emails. You can track which links are getting the most clicks and use this data to optimise your future campaigns.
  • Custom HTML: If you prefer to create your emails from scratch, GetResponse allows you to use custom HTML. This is a great option for businesses that want complete control over their email design.
  • Landing Pages: GetResponse includes tools for creating landing pages, which are essential for capturing leads and driving conversions. You can design these pages to match your brand and integrate them with your email campaigns.
  • Forms & Popups: Growing your email list is key, and GetResponse’s forms and popups make it easy to capture leads directly from your website.
What Could Be Better:
  • Limited Features: While the free plan is generous with email sends, it’s limited in terms of features. You don’t get access to advanced segmentation or in-depth analytics.
  • Design Templates: The email templates are okay, but they’re not as modern or diverse as I’d like them to be. A bit of a letdown if you’re big on aesthetics.
Is GetReponse Right for Your Small Business?

GetResponse is the platform that does a little bit of everything. It’s like that multitasking friend who can juggle a million things at once. You get email marketing, landing pages, webinars, and even some eCommerce tools—all in one place.

For small businesses, especially those trying to do more with less, GetResponse offers a lot of flexibility. It’s especially appealing if you’re interested in hosting webinars or need landing pages alongside your email marketing. However, with all these features, there can be a bit of a learning curve, so be prepared to spend some time getting the hang of it.

5. ConvertKit: The Creator’s Best Friend

ConvertKit is a platform that holds a special place in my heart, probably because I’ve walked the same path as many of you—starting as a blogger myself. The journey of building an audience, engaging with them, and eventually turning that passion into something more is one I know well, and ConvertKit has been a big part of that process.

It’s particularly fantastic for bloggers, creators, and anyone selling digital products. Over the years, I’ve recommended ConvertKit to clients who fit these profiles, and the feedback has been nothing short of amazing.

What I really appreciate about ConvertKit is that it understands creators in a way that few other platforms do. It doesn’t try to be a jack-of-all-trades. Instead, it focuses on what matters most to creators—building an audience and keeping them engaged.

ConvertKit - Top Email Marketing Platforms for Small Business
Features on Free Version That Small Businesses Can Benefit From:
  • Unlimited Landing Pages: ConvertKit makes it easy to create as many landing pages as you need to capture leads. These pages are fully customisable and designed to help you grow your email list quickly.
  • Unlimited Opt-In Forms: Growing your email list is crucial, and ConvertKit’s unlimited opt-in forms make it easy to capture leads from your website, blog, or social media.
  • Audience Tagging & Segmentation: ConvertKit’s tagging and segmentation features allow you to organise your subscribers based on their interests and behaviour. This makes it easy to send targeted emails that are relevant to each segment of your audience.
  • Sell Digital Products: If you’re a creator selling digital products, ConvertKit makes it easy to set up and manage your sales directly from the platform. This is a great way to monetise your audience and generate income.
  • Run Paid Newsletters & Subscriptions: ConvertKit allows you to run paid newsletters and subscriptions, giving you a way to earn recurring revenue from your most engaged subscribers.
What Could Be Better:
  • Not Ideal for Ecommerce: While it’s fantastic for content creators, ConvertKit isn’t really built for traditional ecommerce. If you’re selling physical products, you might find it lacking in features.
  • Design Flexibility: The platform is designed to be simple, which is great for ease of use but can feel limiting if you want more control over the look and feel of your emails.
Is ConvertKit Right for Your Small Business?

If you’re a creator—whether you’re a blogger, podcaster, or someone selling digital products—ConvertKit is the platform for you. Its focus on building and nurturing your audience makes it a fantastic choice for anyone looking to connect with their subscribers in a meaningful way.

The free version is generous, allowing you to collect up to 10,000 subscribers, and the platform’s features are designed to help you grow and monetise your audience. If you’re looking for a platform that’s built specifically for creators, ConvertKit is the way to go.

Essential Email Marketing Software FAQs for Small Businesses

To save you some time and stress, here are some of the most frequently asked questions I hear from small business owners when they’re trying to pick an email marketing platform.
The cost of email marketing can vary widely depending on the platform you choose, the size of your email list, and the features you need. Many platforms offer free plans with limited features, which are great if you’re just starting out. As your list grows, you’ll likely need to upgrade to a paid plan, which can range from $10 to several hundred dollars per month, depending on the number of subscribers and the additional features you require. Be sure to factor in any extra costs, such as advanced analytics, automation, or premium support.

This really depends on your budget and how much help you need. If you’re looking for a hands-off approach where professionals manage everything from strategy to execution, an email marketing agency might be the way to go. Agencies usually have a team of experts, but they can be expensive. On the other hand, a freelance email marketer can be more affordable and offer a personalised approach. Freelancers are great if you need help with specific tasks like setting up campaigns, writing copy, or managing your list. Consider what level of support you need and how much you’re willing to spend. Here’s How to Find the Right Email Email Marketer

While email marketing and SEO are different beasts, they can complement each other nicely. Email marketing doesn’t directly impact your SEO rankings, but it can drive traffic to your website, which is a key factor in SEO. For example, you can use email newsletters to share blog posts or promote special offers, encouraging your subscribers to visit your site. The more traffic and engagement your website gets, the better it is for your SEO. Plus, email marketing can help you build a loyal audience that’s more likely to share your content, indirectly boosting your search rankings.

For Shopify users, Klaviyo is often the go-to email marketing platform. It integrates seamlessly with Shopify, allowing you to sync customer data, track purchases, and send personalised emails based on customer behaviour. Klaviyo’s deep integration with Shopify also enables powerful segmentation and automation, making it easier to target your customers with relevant offers and content. However, if you’re looking for a more budget-friendly option, platforms like Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) and Mailchimp also offer solid Shopify integrations.

If your website runs on WordPress, Mailchimp is a popular choice because it’s widely supported by WordPress themes and plugins. It’s easy to set up, and many WordPress users are already familiar with it. Another great option is ConvertKit, especially if you’re a blogger or content creator. ConvertKit offers powerful tools for audience segmentation and automation, plus it’s designed with WordPress in mind, making integration a breeze. GetResponse is another strong contender, offering a range of features that integrate well with WordPress, including landing page builders and advanced analytics.

While Klaviyo, Brevo, Mailchimp, GetResponse, and ConvertKit are popular choices, there are several other email marketing platforms worth considering:

  • Moosend: Affordable and user-friendly, making it ideal for small businesses looking for a straightforward yet powerful platform.
  • Drip: Excellent for ecommerce businesses, offering advanced automation features tailored to online retailers.
  • Campaigner: Provides robust email marketing and CRM capabilities, perfect for businesses that need comprehensive tools beyond basic email features.
  • Omnisend: Tailored specifically for ecommerce, with strong automation and segmentation features to help boost sales and customer engagement.
  • HubSpot: Known for its powerful CRM and marketing suite, including top-notch email marketing tools, although it tends to be on the pricier side.
  • ActiveCampaign: A versatile platform offering advanced automation and CRM integration, ideal for businesses looking to combine email marketing with sales and customer relationship management.
  • AWeber: A solid choice for small businesses and beginners, known for its simplicity, extensive template library, and reliable customer support.
  • Constant Contact: Popular among small businesses for its ease of use, robust customer support, and features like event management and social media integration.

Each of these platforms offers unique features and pricing structures, so it’s worth exploring them if the more common options don’t quite meet your needs. Many of these platforms offer free trials or plans, allowing you to test them out before making a final decision.

Final Thoughts

Navigating the world of email marketing platforms can feel overwhelming, especially with so many options out there. But remember, the “best” platform is really the one that fits your unique business needs and goals. And if you’re still unsure or just want some guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help you find the perfect email marketing solution that will help your business thrive. Drop me a line, and I’ll be happy to assist you in making the best choice for your business.